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with Angela Hale

A softer path for recovering perfectionists, people-pleasers, seekers, and strivers

in the thick of transition + transformation.


So here you are, in the



You're evolving, and you're 100% here for it. You know that this caterpillar soup (squirmy and squishy as it is) is sacred, too.

This is what it takes to grow, and grow you must — you're here to liberate yourself and your lineage, surrender to your truth and deepest dreams, embody your wisdom and power, and activate your magic to serve a world that desperately needs it.

And you're ON THE VERGE. This is one of those life moments that you know you'll look back on later, a threshold between the "before" and the "after."

You're r e a d y .

But you're also tired. So. Fucking. Tired.

Wouldn't it be nice if this process was a littler softer and sweeter? More spacious, steady, and sustainable?

What would life be like if you felt deeply and unconditionally supported by yourself, your circle, and by Life itself, even in this liminal phase of your becoming?

Is that even possible?

We're certainly not taught this way.

We're taught that growth is pain. That it's hard, and dark and twisty.

(I mean, who hasn't experienced "growing pains" or a good old fashioned dark night of the soul? I certainly have.)

And if you're anything like me, you were conditioned really early on to believe that the way to get through hard is to be perfect — to do things perfectly and act perfect and look perfect, and in this way minimize or avoid the pain of chaos, uncertainty, judgement, blame, and shame.

Just push and persevere, manage and control all the things, master and overcome, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, raise your vibe, and basically transcend your humanity. Nbd.

And being the gifted overachiever, pleasure-to-have-in-class, people-pleasing eldest daughter that you are, this is not unfamiliar to you.

You've been doing it your whole life.

So of *course* as your carefully-planned life started crumbling around you, you doubled down.

You ordered all the books. You read all the poems. You did all the yoga, or breathwork, or somatic therapy. You reinvented your social sphere and romantic life, maybe more than once.

You've been to Bali, or Tulum, or Sedona, or some pseudo-Pagan women's circle in a field outside of Austin.

You've been in so many programs over the years you've lost count. Maybe you’ve even led some yourself.

You've spent more on personal development and spiritual healing than you'd like to admit.

You've analyzed, conversation-ed, journeyed, journaled, danced it out, and worked, and tried and tried to fix, change, and heal the things you felt that you were sure you shouldn't feel, just praying and hoping you could hustle your way to worthiness of the life, love, and safety you've always longed for.

But it hasn't worked.

Somehow, despite all your exhaustive effort, you feel stuck. Stagnant. Spinning your wheels.

Like you're squandering your money, time, and energy, wasting your gifts and your one wild and precious life.

And it's lowkey k i l l i n g you, because you can't shake this knowing in your heart that you were meant for MORE.

Secretly, you wonder what you're doing wrong... and if maybe the reason it's so hard is that there's something wrong with *you.*

I get it, bebe.

And lemme assure you — it is not your fault.

You are not spiritually deficient, un-evolved, fundamentally broken, unworthy, or otherwise not-enough.

The thing is, most of these programs just perpetuate those old patterns of perfectionism and ceaseless seeking and striving that so many of us come to this work to heal in the first place.

They're based on the idea that something is wrong with you that needs healing and transforming, so of course they only confirm that claptrap in your consciousness.

But it's not true.

In over a decade of spiritual healing and personal development work, I haven’t yet met a so-called “negative” characteristic or pattern of thought or behavior (in myself or any of my clients) that wasn’t born of a spectacular and genius drive to survive.

When it comes down to it, even our squirreliest, most fucked-up mechanisms for human-ing are all really just tryna help.

Sure, they may be outdated.

They may no longer be effective.

They may even actively be blocking our thriving and getting in the way of our goals.

But the thing that people think they need help with is almost never the real issue...

The REAL issue is that they've lost the connection to their essential self, their true nature — their soul.

And when we begin to relate to each of our parts and patterns from a place tenderness and reverence (rather than pathologizing and punishing ourselves) for where we've been and who we've had to be to make it through and get to where we are, it dissolves shame...

revealing (almost effortlessly) the truth, wisdom, power, and magic that has always been seeded beneath those layers of fear, pain, conditioning, shame, and "shoulds."

Ultimately, it returns us to our capacity for clarity, choice, and change.

You’re not broken, babe. You're not even messed up. You're resilient af, and utterly, beautifully, blessedly human.

And if you're here to live a life of meaning that is profoundly aligned with the resonant truth of your soul, to be fully expressed as the singularly spectacular sparkling facet of God you were born to be in this lifetime, and to share your innate gifts, genius, and unique magic with the world...

you can't pressure it, push it, force it, manage or control it, fix and change it, or shame it into being. That life won't suddenly be realized if you just push harder or persevere longer.

Because your soul self only responds to Love.

Developing a deeply connected, compassionate, and trusting relationship with yourself (and with life itself!) is the ONLY route to living the softer, sweeter, slower, deeper, richer, fuller, true-er, YOU-er life you were made for.

Join me on The Beloved Way

The softest path home to who you really are,

and to the more meaningful and magical life your heart knows is possible.


In Beloved, you'll:

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Build a sanctuary of compassion and connection within — a safe hearth-place where you can rest and be replenished.

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Liberate yourself from the "shoulds" and shame of patriarchal conditioning and be reborn, A PERSON UNTO YOURSELF: THE KEEPER OF YOUR OWN FLAME.

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Discover your inner wisdom, claim your innate magic, and integrate your power.

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Lay the foundation for a fulfilling, meaningful, beautiful life in harmony with the truth of who you really are.


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"The things we talked about started making sense within my body and not just my head. Feeling it & knowing it in my bones gave me more trust and confidence and motivation to take the steps I needed to take.

Not only did Angela guide me back to clarity, but I left with actionable items to help integrate all the things that came up."


"Better and more effective than any therapist I have ever been to — and I went to therapy for years. Angela is warm, loving, and kinda hilarious. Working with her was such a breath of fresh air. In just four months we got right to the heart of things: all the secret longings, and the fears and patterns that were really holding me back. I have all the tools now and find myself handling situations and challenges with less resistance and more love for myself and others. Even life itself. I’m calmer even in chaotic circumstances. It was a deep dive, and I felt so held in all of it. I have so much more flow in my life now... and for the first time, I feel like my life is actually mine."


“I feel so much more clear and divinely in alignment with flow now. I'm learning to hone in on my body wisdom and inner knowing, distinguish my truth from my patterns and fears, and hold it all in every moment from grounded clarity. I trust myself and my intuition in deeper ways. And it's mind-blowing how many synchronicities have happened in my life since the program started! It's literally changing the course of my life. It's like magic follows me wherever I go.

Olivia Rose

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Most of us were NOT raised this way.

We were taught to manage and control our feelings, master and overcome our body sensations, squash our sensitivity, and silence our inner knowing.

We were conditioned to dismiss, diminish, and deny the parts of ourselves that make us different.

We learned to look for validation, worthiness, and love in the attraction and approval of others.

This creates a tremendously disempowering experience that disconnects us from the truth of who we are, and from our wisdom, power, and unique magic. We're left feeling broken, flat, empty, not-enough, too-much, or just... off.

It's a denial of our very humanity, and of The Mystery that flickers within each of us.

And these patriarchal patterns of perfectionism, striving, and seeking outside of ourselves have been perpetuated by personal development and spiritual models that emphasize our not-enoughness and sell us on fixing, healing, and transcending ourselves so that we will finally be worthy of being/doing/having The Thing.

This bolsters the belief that we're not enough as we are, ironically reinforcing the very pain most of us seek to relieve. It sells a lot of programs, but it never gets us what we want — it keeps us stuck, wondering what's wrong with *us* that it's not working.

The truth is, experiencing embodied wholeness and worthiness, integrating our power, and living authentically fulfilling, meaningful, and beautiful lives isn't about fixing or changing ourselves or our circumstances.

And transforming into ones who have the clarity and capacity to own our truth, claim our longings, share our magic, and live authentically in alignment with our knowing isn't just another thing we need to push, force, strive for, make happen, or add to the must-do list...

That's why I'm offering Beloved.


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“I almost can't describe how wonderful this is. I have done so much self-development work over the years, and I haven't seen anything come near as close as this work to truly, deeply, hitting the heart of the matter and catalyzing peace, ease, and positive change in my life.


"Angela's group program was a catalyst for me in a stagnant time of very low capacity and low self-trust. I knew that I needed to be kinder to myself, I knew I needed to be better able to rely on myself to take basic care of my body and my spirit, but I did not know how to get myself to do it consistently. Angela’s warmth and deep-loving encouragement paired with her commitment to offering from her breadth of material and practices that she has been doing with herself was the modeled tenderness, self-commitment, and clear direction that I needed. The space she holds is a loving embrace that both allows *everything* to be okay as it is, and generously gifts the tools for honing self-love-in-action. I am so grateful for the daily practices she offered that I am still doing today — a simple but essential shift that has me much more open to possibility from a place of practicing compassion for exactly where I am now, and consistently showing up for myself in small ways that had felt inaccessible to me before this group. Angela has so much great and layered content that I feel like I have lots of lessons to keep integrating and practicing over time. SUCH a huge gift."


"Hearing Angela say the things I needed to hear allowed me to see myself through the eyes of God instead of through my own ego. I felt an immense amount of compassion for myself which was a much needed change from consistently beating myself up in the state I was in."


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Beloved is an un-becoming.

It's the un-learning of everything you thought you "should" be, so that you can be reborn as who you really are and live accordingly in a way that really lights your fire.

This transformation is the natural result of cultivating unconditional love, trust, and safety in your relationship with yourself and with life; de-conditioning a lifetime of "should" rooted in limiting patriarchal roles and values; dissolving pain and shame with curiosity and compassion; and discovering the wisdom and magic of who you already always were underneath all that.

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Here's what you'll learn:

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Be reborn unto yourself


Deep Allowing

Already Enough

Module 1: Self Compassion

Human-ing in these times is hard enough without you being a b to yourself in your head. Frankly, the world needs you in all your real real weird and wonderful, and we don't get that when you're all self-judgey and stuck in shamey "should." Self-compassion encourages growth mindset, increases motivation, reduces burnout, and enhances creativity. It's the foundation to ALL OTHER personal and leadership development work.

Module 2: Deep Allowing

So much more than mindfulness, Deep Allowing is making love to the moment and letting it make love to you. It's an exquisite, embodied embrace of what IS, inside and out. Deep Allowing is a devotion to opening, and the crack is where the light pours in. When we meet present with wonder, we are organically transformed.

Module 3: Already Enough — Dissolving Shame and Reclaiming Your Inherent Worth

Now that you're holding yourself tenderly and being honest about your experience, we begin the process of de-conditioning and liberation from a lifetime of layers of "should" and shame. You'll discover who you really are — and all the wisdom, magic, and power — underneath all that garbage.

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Honor your temple

Slowing Down

Body Wisdom


Module 4: Slowing Down

Because the quieter you become, the more you can hear... but when you've been hustling for worthiness your whole life, slowing down is a lot harder than you'd think.

Module 5: Body Wisdom

Most of us were taught that our body sensations are to be mastered and overcome, but body sensations are the body's way of communicating our needs, desires, boundaries, and innermost knowing. Learning to track and attune to this wisdom changes everything, creating within us a new way of relating to ourselves and navigating life with a trusty compass that can never be lost.

Module 6: Alignment as a Moment-to-Moment Devotional Practice

People preach alignment like you get into it once and then you're good to go, and then wonder why they continually struggle to make things happen. In reality, alignment is a moment-to-moment practice of Deep Listening and adjusting accordingly to what's moving through you and as you — what's *wanting* to unfold. It's living magic that is always available to us, and it makes the way forward so easeful, even when it's hard.

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Trust Yourself, Trust The Mystery


Ignite your magic

Discover Your Deepest Desires

Intuition & Inner Knowing

Module 7: Trust Yourself, Trust The Mystery

Human beings are WIRED to fear uncertainty as a threat to survival. Unfortunately, that means we're terrified of change even when it's good. This module is all about deepening self-trust and resilience intelligence, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, so that when you've finally dissolved the "shoulds", connected to your knowing, and you're ready to take that wild leap into the unknown and show tf up to your calling, you can ACTUALLY DO IT. You'll feel held and supported, knowing you're gonna be okay no matter what.

Module 8: Discover Your Deepest Desires

How do you know what YOU want when you've spent a lifetime compromising, or thinking you don't know? (I'll give you a hint: You were never taught to identify your own needs, desires, and boundaries... but deep down, you always did know.) Now that the "deep down" is accessible, you need a system for diving in and discerning what's what. That's what this module is all about.

Module 9: Intuition and Inner Knowing

This module is part mystery, part practical tools and proven practices for honing your intuition and attuning to the knowing of your heart and the deepest callings of your soul. You'll learn what intuition feels like somatically, how to distinguish intuition from fear, and some of the many many ways of listening.

In this way, you expand your capacity for attuning to your inner truth and living authentically and courageously in alignment with the wisdom of your body, the knowing of your heart, and the deepest callings of your soul — who you really are, and not who the world says you "should" be.

This surrender to your innate wisdom and integration of your power frees you from should, shame, and seeking safety in validation outside of yourself, and offers a way of being with yourself and with life that will serve your becoming, forever.

You are reborn,

a person unto yourself.


For this round only, we’re blessed with these guest teachers sharing their genius, medicine, and magic. This is an intimate opportunity to learn from these wisdom-keepers that you won't find anywhere else.

Christiana Herbert is an omniclair healer, ritualist, writer, and teacher. She has always had a mystical and unusual experience of life, due to her neurodivergency and spiritual gifts. Christiana has over a decade of practice with Internal Family Systems, and will be using this modality to help Beloved participants unshame and rewild themselves.

Dr. Mia Hetenyi is a psychospiritual mentor, initiated Dagara Diviner, and grief doula. As we welcome home lost parts of ourselves and realize that we were *always* worthy of the love we longed for and didn't receive, we may discover pain we've unconsciously carried. Mia will facilitate a grief ritual, creating a powerful healing space for release and for dreaming new prayers into being.

Emily Winter is a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner with the Trauma Institute, trauma-informed yoga instructor, and community educator who supports her clients in resolving symptoms of trauma and stress, becoming more embodied and self-regulated, and developing new ways of maintaining presence and peace. In Beloved, Emily will facilitate a series of exercises for exploring physical and sensory experience, releasing traumatic stress, finding relief from symptoms, and strengthening your innate abilities to self-regulate emotions, be present, and feel true inner peace and joy.

Sarah Bryanne Grady is a former psychotherapist turned spiritual teacher, qoya teacher, and doula. Through her process, called Homecoming, she guides women who feel lost in their lives to find their way back themselves. Sarah will be offering a unique Homecoming-based movement ritual to integrate deep cellular healing, and activate freedom and joy.

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I'm more in flow than I've been in years.


"I feel like I'm INSIDE of a rose."


"Before this program, I had little or no peace, ease, or freedom. I was feeling very stuck and dissatisfied with my job, and then I learned that my mom had two types of cancer. It was the worst time period I've been through for a very long time. Without this program, I think I would have completely fallen apart. To go from that level of distress to holding on and then even having moments of peace and ease is pretty damn remarkable. My level of clarity is improving every day, my ability to access a state of flow, and being in alignment are all so much better and so much more is possible now. I am astounded."


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What's included:

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Live Weekly Wisdom Talks — Thursdays at 1:00 PT / 3:00 CT / 4:00 ET

These sessions have been called "a whole transmission." There's something powerful about learning directly from someone who deeply embodies a particular thread of wisdom — it's a sort of co-regulating that easefully attunes your energy body to a whole new way of being.

In these sessions, themed talks and energetic transmissions are paired with proven practical tools and facilitated experiential practices to support your own integration of a range of personal development and spiritual principles. You'll be nourished and held every step of the way as you cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself and a lived experience of evolving through love.

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Live Weekly Mentorship

Space is held after each week's Wisdom Talk for you to receive direct support with anything coming up in the work and/or out in your life.

Integration + Implementation Weeks

This course is designed in such a way that its delivery is congruent with the teachings offered — that means it’s soft, slow, and spacious. We're not going to rush, push, or cram, and I'm not gonna firehose you with information. In these intentional off-weeks, there will be no new material. We'll still have our regular weekly Zoom gathering, devoted solely to 1:1 mentorship and guidance (in the group setting), Q&A, and community connection and celebrations. If you’d rather have the week off entirely, great! You may use this time to review or catch-up on recordings, integrate, and practice deep rest.

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Support Guide

This supplementary course companion includes nourishing and nurturing tools and practices, powerful journal prompts, recorded meditations, and guided embodiment experiences to support you throughout our time together and forever after.

Private Online Community

You don't have to do any of this alone. Being seen and held in real community is a transformative gift in itself, and most of us need it now more than ever. This is an online space to share it all 24/7: ask questions, find solidarity, and get personalized support (and bonus content dropped via FB Lives!) from me anytime.

1:1 mentorship with me is typically $1200/month.

In The Beloved Way, you get access to all the things that, for the last 3 years, have only been available to my 1:1 clients.

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"I LOVED the group classes and calls! Literally everything about them. The content was STACKED, and I felt so safe, seen, heard, and lifted up by that community during a challenging time when I was otherwise feeling so alone. I learned SO MUCH, and it was just hands-down my favorite time of the week, every week. I almost can't express how much I loved and appreciated the experience.


“It was so supportive to have a group structure during a time in my life when everything was changing and a LOT of shit had just hit the fan. When almost everything was dissolving, the group, lectures, practices, and coaching were always on-point, relevant, and helped me get to the other side — and beyond. This is definitely a softer approach to transformation. I wish I'd had it sooner!”


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Tiered pricing:

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I believe in social and economic justice, and in equal exchange (which keeps you out of stressful scarcity and resourced enough to fully participate, and keeps me resourced so that I can continue offering, deepening, and expanding this work).

Please read the following guidelines and choose the investment rate that is right for you. You get the same program and the same access to me at every tier.

$4440 (or $888/month)

  • You're financially secure and/or have personal savings, you're able to pay for wants, and you spend little time worrying about affording basic necessities like rent/food/gas/child care.
  • If you have economic privilege and power in our community, this rate is for you.

This rate contributes to a more equitable world by supporting course access for all.

$3330 (or $666/month)

  • You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have a steady income.
  • You do NOT spend most of your time worried about affording basic needs like shelter/food/medical care, etc.
  • Making this investment in yourself now might mean cutting back on some discretionary spending (like going out to eat, buying a new outfit, or travel), but the sacrifice is short-term and will not harm you in the long term.

$2220 (or $444/month)

  • You might feel stretched sometimes, but you have access to basic needs like food/housing/childcare.
  • You're able to put away money each month to pay for Beloved, but the middle tier price would mean you couldn't participate this year.
  • Note: This price is based on a standard monthly mental health budget, or what you might pay for weekly therapy* sessions on the low end of a sliding-scale. (*This course is not a replacement for therapy.)

If investing in this course means making short-term sacrifices, having to get creative, or asking others for financial support, but does not actually jeopardize your safety, please use those resources before using the sliding scale, which will limit opportunities for others.

Being honest about your financial situation helps us grow a healthy and sustainable community, supports my needs as a fellow human and creator, and demonstrates value for this work.

pay in full

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payment plan

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"I participated in a play-shop Angela facilitated in the redwoods. I'm in my sixties, and yet it woke something up inside of me and started me on a whole new journey. I never would have imagined that for myself at this time!"


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Hey I m Angela

I'm a 12th House Pisces with a Sag/Ophiuchus Moon and a Taurus North Node, and a 6/2 Manifestor — I was *never* designed for a life of "should." So, eight years ago I left behind a promising career that offered all the security and status I thought I was supposed to want (but that made me secretly miserable), and went stumbling down a path of signs and synchronicities, tracking my intuitive knowing like a mystical scavenger hunt. I'm still in awe of the unfolding, on the daily.

As a survivor of childhood trauma, chronic illness, catastrophic injury, assault, and abuse, I will *never* pretend to know why painful things happen. But I believe that when we are willing to be broken open by what is, every moment invites deeper intimacy with ourselves and with The Mystery.

My work seamlessly weaves together deep listening and intuitive knowing, scientifically proven tools and practices for holistic self development and resiliency, spiritual wisdom, embodied energetic transmission, and gems of insight I've picked up along my own path. I've trained extensively in yogic philosophy and traditions of movement and breath, somatic release, trauma healing, mindfulness, neuroplasticity and re-patterning, Inner Guidance and energy work, self compassion, and the art of un-shaming. At its heart, my work is about opening to the Love that already is all around — through grounded presence and participation, tremendous compassion, and trust — so that all humans everywhere can live as their truest selves and create lives aligned with their deepest callings.

Right now, for me, that's on a ridge between two rivers in Northern California, where I live with my five year-old and my mother in the tall trees. My happy place is snuggled in my hammock, eating bougie seasonal snacks, endlessly exploring the dreamy deep, and reveling in the full spectrum of what it means to be wildly alive: vulnerageously human, divine and animal, stardust and dirt.

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"Angela's transmissions are no-bullshit,

permission-ridden gifts."


"Being with Angela is like diving into a deep pool of love."


"Angela Hale, the queen of alignment."

Rose Siobhan

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pay in full

payment plan

DM me with questions

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I feel 8 million times better.


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Over the years, my clients have:

  • Gone from crying in her car on her lunch break and living for evenings and weekends, to leaving her soul-sucking job and living her dream.
  • Finally felt like his "real self" at work, lead his team with power and clarity, and got a promotion that reflected his value to the company.
  • Redefined "success" in ways that actually honor their own values, priorities, and wellbeing.
  • Healed their relationships with deserving and receiving rest, money, and love.
  • Stopped telling herself she needed to "get her shit together" and became her own best friend, ally, and biggest cheerleader.
  • Started feeling better about herself, caring for herself well, stopped believing her inner critic, and lost all motivation for the false life she'd been clinging to — she got FREE.
  • Healed dysfunctional relationship patterns and finally left a toxic relationship he'd been feeling stuck in for three years.
  • Finally felt SEEN and MET in her relationships: platonic, familial, professional, and romantic.
  • Developed the clarity, confidence, and sense of safety to know and express her desires, needs, and boundaries to others.

  • Started trusting herself enough to release anxiety and stop rehearsing conversations in her head.
  • Dissolved shame rooted in childhood trauma and offered himself the validation he needed (instead of continuing to demand it from his wife, where it was never enough anyway) and healed his marriage.
  • Stopped chasing unavailable men and started actually feeling cherished and chosen.
  • Became more grounded, loving, present, patient, trustable, and attuned in her parenting.
  • Broken toxic generational patterns of abuse, avoidance, and codependency and healed her lineage.
  • Stopped martyring herself for her family, and now she feels seen and supported in her needs like never before.
  • Healed burnout, chronic illness, and anxiety
  • Reclaimed her feminine radiance and finally felt safe enough to be the sexy, free maiden she never got to be.
  • Experienced more energy, vitality, and aliveness.
  • Started eating nourishing foods and getting in a regular movement practice not because she "should", but because she genuinely loves and respects herself and it feels easier than ever to make supportive choices.
  • Re-integrated rejected essential parts of himself that he had disowned to feel accepted.
  • Discovered a deeper intelligence and wisdom underneath old patterns and stories where before she had only felt shamed, stuck, and small.
  • Stopped feeling frozen and started showing up authentically and creating a life that felt like her own.
  • Embraced a unique magic that had been rejected as "weird" and "not enough."
  • Deepened her self-trust and finally felt safe enough to speak and live her truth.
  • Slowed down and started making space for her own wellbeing.
  • Learned to genuinely love and respect her body, shifting from shame to awe.
  • Deeply connected with their intuition in a way that feels more clear and dependable than ever.
  • Gave himself the love, compassion, acceptance, and approval that he always needed from his parents and never got.
  • Stopped bracing, felt fully alive and in(side of) love, and experienced a steady, sustained flow state like never before.
  • Navigated some really difficult things (including cancer and a major move) with trust, courage, and grace.
  • Felt safe enough to completely trust her intuition and follow the call, even when it seemed to make no sense.
  • Developed a deeper capacity for pleasure, a renewed zest for life, and a deepening presence with the people she loves (including all of herself!).
  • Finally — after nearly 20 years in personal development work — actually *FELT* love in his body!

What is the ache in your bones?

What is the knowing in your heart?

What are your deepest callings?
